Double-Strand Diamond Necklace

High-end pieces like a double-strand diamond necklace with a huge central stone make for a really eye-catching statement piece. Nothing really catches the eye quite like high-grade diamonds. And with two strands of high-grade diamonds, as well as even more diamonds as accents, a piece like this is a sight to behold. Whether you choose the piece we feature here, or something else, we feel that statement pieces are a lot of fun. These give us the opportunity to release our inner princess. There are few social events that really allow us to deck ourselves out to the nines, but when we can, we feel that we should really take advantage.
Statement pieces are a great way to show off your bold sense of style. There are so many different kinds of necklaces that it is easy to find one that will fit perfectly with your next formal event. Whether you want a tennis necklace, a pendant necklace, or something a bit more choker-style, such as we see here, there is something for everyone.
Gorgeous Accessories
Accessories come in many shapes and sizes and it is a great way to show off your style and appreciation for the finer things in life. Whether you are looking at a double-strand diamond necklace such as we feature here, or something a bit more simple, we know that the necklace is a great addition to your wardrobe, whether formal or casual. But the piece we look at here is not something that you would wear to just any event. It isn’t the most versatile accessory, but to us, that is just fine. A statement piece isn’t meant to be worn all the time. It is something that we reserve for special occasions.
And special occasions are the perfect opportunity to really bring out all your fun high-grade accessories. We are focusing on the necklace here, but it should be said that necklaces pair really well with pretty much any other accessory. You can easily pair a necklace with earrings, rings, bracelets, and even brooches. This will allow you to create a fun look that is all your own, even if it is for a special event.
Really Wow at the Next Social Event
Who doesn’t want to be known as a style icon among their peer group? You can do so by carefully choosing your accessories and pairing them with your outfits with care. Especially when it comes to high-end social events, those first impressions are incredibly important. You can make a really glamorous first impression if you enter the room wearing a double-strand diamond necklace. And, we really should think about just how important those first impressions are. These are something that people form before ever talking to someone.
With all this in mind, it makes sense to put in some effort in choosing your clothing and accessories for that next high-end event. Pairing a stunning dress with something like the necklace we feature here will show others a lot of things. It shows that you have an appreciation for high-end accessories and that you take care in your appearance. The necklace will also show that not just any diamond jewelry will do, but rather that you have incredibly high standards and only the best is acceptable. Pairing this necklace with a stunning dress, classic makeup, and a few other well-chosen accessories will help you really stand out from the proverbial crowd.
The Beauty of the Statement Piece
We often don’t get very many opportunities to really dress up and we have to admit, that’s a shame. Dressing to the nines is a ton of fun and it is the perfect opportunity to really go all out. This is when you wear those most formal of fashions and bring out those most special accessories. Statement pieces are great because there really are no rules. While many people choose something eye-catching and bold as a statement piece, that doesn’t have to be how it works. Anything that you reserve for a special occasion can be a statement piece. However, for most of us, it is an opportunity to bust out those baubles that catch the eye of anyone who sees them.
The double-strand diamond necklace we feature here is a great example of a statement piece. It is bold and will definitely attract attention. Not only does this sparkly masterpiece have two rows of high-grade, brilliant diamonds, but it also has a huge central diamond. This is a square-cut diamond with a stunning halo around its perimeter. This necklace will pair really well with other diamond jewelry, or it can be worn on its own.
Necklaces, Necklaces, Necklaces!
There is so much to say about the necklace. It is a great accessory that comes in many shapes and sizes. You can even find functional necklaces that have pendants that allow you to store something like an important medication. With all this in mind, it is easy to see that one can easily find a great necklace option for their taste and style. Whether you are looking for something that you can incorporate into your daily wear or you want something glamorous for those special occasions, the necklace is a great choice. And we, personally, feel that a double-strand diamond necklace is the perfect statement piece.
The necklace we feature here is what we will call a choker-style necklace. This means that it hugs close to the throat and doesn’t dangle a lot. And while there is a center stone, it is not hung in a way that would make it a pendant necklace. It really is in a unique category all its own. Drop necklaces are also popular, and these are necklaces that, as the name implies, drop below your throat. There are various lengths and some of the longer ones are really dramatic. Pendant necklaces consist of some sort of chain or cord, with a trinket or charm attached to it.
Two Strands of High-Grade Diamonds
The choker-style necklace that we feature here really is a stunning work of art. Each and every gemstone that features in this necklace could easily become its own piece of high-end jewelry. They are large, high-grade diamonds that give off a ton of sparkle and shine. The double-strand effect of this necklace makes for a wider necklace. And, of course, it gives you the opportunity to enjoy even more diamonds. Who doesn’t want that? These are diamonds that have depth and clarity and give off a lot of sparkle, which we all know and love.
The two strands of stunning diamonds would be beautiful on their own, but this necklace has even more to offer. Each row has a half-moon outer row of smaller diamonds, which one could argue, really makes this a four-strand necklace. Whatever your opinion is, we love the textural contrast these two different cuts and shapes add to the piece. They give it a texture it wouldn’t otherwise have. And, of course, it also gives the necklace even more sparkle. We don’t think there is such a thing as too much sparkle.
Stunning Large Center Diamond with Halo
As if this double-strand of high-grade diamonds and their half-moon outer stones wasn’t enough, this necklace has even more glitz and style to offer. Where this stunning necklace hits the throat is a huge center stone. This is a square-cut diamond that is truly a sight to behold. It is of a cut and shape that is meant to maximize the amount of fire the diamond will give off. Fire, when we are talking about diamonds, refers to a rainbow of hues that emit from the center of the stone when it is in the sunlight. A lot of people like these cuts because you can see the depth and clarity of the stone easily.
Additionally, this huge stone also has a halo as an accent. Simply put, a halo is a row of small stones that encircle or surround a larger stone. It creates a halo-like effect, hence the name of the style. These are small, round brilliant-cut diamonds. This is a cut that is meant to maximize sparkle. That means it has a ton of facets cut into its surface to reflect a ton of light. In addition to the brilliant-cut diamonds around the double-strand portion of the necklace – meaning this piece has plenty of sparkle.
An Accent or Focal Piece
Though a double-strand diamond necklace is one of those statement pieces that will attract plenty of attention, it can really be worn two different ways. Firstly, it can be an accent to your outfit. What this means is that the necklace is not meant to take the proverbial center stage of your look. You can achieve this by pairing a necklace such as this with a really bold and eye-catching dress. Perhaps you choose a bold color or a daring cut. Whatever the case, when you pair something like this diamond necklace with something even bolder, it will offset that look beautifully.
You can also choose to let the necklace be the focal point of your look, as our model does with the necklace we feature here. Pairing a stunning and ornate necklace with a simple dress will allow the necklace to shine through as the most eye-catching part of the piece. You become the vessel by which to display a wearable work of art. A solid color dress with a simple profile is a wonderful choice if you want the necklace to do the proverbial talking of your outfit.
The Best Place in Florida for Your Fine Jewelry Needs
At Diamonds By Raymond Lee, we know that our clients have high expectations. They want high-quality pieces, a knowledgeable staff, and a comfortable environment, but that isn’t all. Our clients don’t want pieces you can find just anywhere. We are not your run-of-the-mill jeweler. Rather, we strive to provide all of these things, but most importantly, the widest selection of rare, high-end pieces in the Boca Raton area. Our buyers have a ton of experience and connections that allow us to source the rarest and most unique pieces for our display cases. We have incredibly high standards of quality, which gives you the peace of mind that anything you choose will be of the highest quality.
Our skilled jewelers can also help you turn your dream into a reality with our custom jewelry design services. We utilize the latest in computer technology to create one-of-a-kind pieces for our clients. Additionally, we also offer a wide array of repair services. Say, for example, you want to resize a ring – we have you covered. However, even if you have a more extensive repair need, we can also help you with that as well. No problem is too big or too small for our skilled and talented jewelers.
In Closing
When it comes to social events, one of the best things about them (in our opinion) is the opportunity to dress ourselves up to the nines. We are talking about our finest clothes and our best accessories! Most of us don’t get a lot of opportunities to dress up and let our inner princess out for the night. So when we do get that chance, we feel like we should really take advantage of it. One of the best ways to do this is by bringing out your finest statement pieces. Statement pieces are (often large and ornate) those that you reserve for a special occasion. These are pieces that are either too formal or too special for daily wear.
Here, we feature a double-strand diamond necklace with a large center diamond and halo accent. This is a stunning and bold accessory that can be the focal point or an accent to your look. It is made from the finest diamonds. The necklace features stones in a number of different cuts to show off both the fire and brilliance that high-grade diamonds can have. It is such a stunning and well-made piece, we know that you will look forward to any chance to wear it!