Diamonds and Donuts Annual Holiday Toy Drive

The holiday buying and giving season kicks off in earnest from November 2021. Starting with Black Friday, Cyber Monday and #GivingTuesday. Diamonds and Donuts Annual Holiday Toy Drive is one of the most popular holiday charity efforts. Each year, Diamonds by Raymond Lee distributes thousands of toys. These toys are distributed to several children and teens that need them. In some cases, thousands more are provided to families. They are provided through local churches, social welfare agencies and shelters.
Seasonal sales offer some of the best opportunities to contribute new toys to families in need. Last year, several toy drive coordinators were reached out to. In order to understand the needs of their clients. Interestingly, their advice will sound familiar to communicators: Know your audience. The following simple scope has over the years helped us ensure that our holiday contributions make the biggest impact on children, teens and families.
Considerations as Diamonds and Donuts Annual Holiday Toy Drive Participant
People typically donate only new, unwrapped toys. Every child is worthy of a new toy. Used toys are also valuable, but as donations to other types of events, where they will be cleaned and sold to benefit community programs.
Participants typically spend between $15 and $30 per toy
While purchases from dollar stores are well-meaning, these are often the types of gifts that families can afford to purchase themselves. As a participant, you should aim for high-quality toys that would excite any child who opens them. But avoid the temptation to purchase extremely expensive gifts, such as motorized ride-on vehicles. There are so few of these gifts that it is difficult for toy drive organizers to be fair about distribution.
You should consider whether the child can play with a toy alone
Board games are tons of fun, but they’re designed for play between at least two people. When choosing a toy, think about how the child will play with it and whether help or supervision will be necessary.
Teens want good gifts too
Around age 12, many children age out of the most popular toys. Pre-teens and teens, as many parents can attest, can be difficult to buy for, yet the holidays are just as important to them. They want to be able to return to school and fit in when their friends talk about the gifts they received. Consider sports equipment, as well as small electronics like watches, music players and portable speakers.
Children ages 0 to 2 often get overlooked
Though children under 2 years old are often not fully aware of the holiday gift giving season, toys can be an important part of their healthy development. Toy drive charities usually get donations suitable for children over 3 years old, with fewer for infants and toddlers. Gift ideas for this age group include interactive toys, educational electronics, puzzles and board books.
Books are needed for older children
Toy charities get more than enough books for children under 12 years old, but there aren’t as many for pre-teen and teen readers. Consider giving popular book series designed for young adults ages 12 to 16.
Diamonds and Donuts Annual Holiday Toy Drive
The Diamond and Donuts toy drive is an annual holiday fest hosted by Diamonds by Raymond Lee. The event is usually held during the holiday season. Taking place in the state of Florida, Boca Raton to be precise, the event is regarded as one of the largest car meet/toy drives in the state of Florida.
Participants are expected to fill their trunks up with toys. One thing is for sure, no one is left out of this fun pack Diamonds and Donuts Annual Holiday Toy Drive event as everyone is welcomed. One of the highlights of the Diamonds and Donuts holiday toy drive is the complimentary 9am breakfast. And of course the BBQ at noon.
How we made the Diamonds and Donuts Annual Holiday Toy Drive Event Stand out
To be honest, the Case workers involved in health and human services are in a unique position to be aware of families. Families in the communities struggling to make ends meet. During the holidays, things often become even more difficult for low-income families, and it’s very common for the children in these families to go without during the holiday season. Working in health/social services gives you an insider’s look at who can really use help, and you’re in the perfect position to run a holiday toy drive for needy children in your community. Its fun, easy, and it won’t take a lot of your time, especially if you get people in your office, friends, and family members involved. These are the tips we employ to ensure a successful Diamonds and Donuts Annual Holiday Toy Drive that makes the difference in the lives of needy children and families this year.
We first began by the Setting the Dates
You’ll need both a distribution date and collection dates for your toy drive. It’s usually best to come up with a distribution date for the toys you collect first. Then you can work backwards and decide on the date you want to collect the toys. Remember, the more time you have for the drive, the better. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time. Don’t start the week of Christmas and expect to be able to get all those toys out in time for the holiday.
The word about it when it likes wildfire
We began by spreading the world in offices, getting co – workers in health and human services involved in the effort to collect toys. However, it’s a good idea to go beyond the workplace by spreading the word to friends and family members. Tell everyone you know what you’re doing. Many people will enjoy having the chance to spread some holiday cheer to children in need.
Using every available platform, we promoted the Diamonds and Donuts Annual Holiday Toy Drive as much as possible. Create some flyers that give the details of your toy drive, including collection dates, drop-off points, and other details. Get those flyers up around time. You may want to share flyers with local businesses as well, since many businesses are happy to get involved in holiday charity events like toy drives.
We Designate a Drop-Off Point
You’ll need to designate a drop-off point, and it’s important to ensure your drop-off point is in an easily accessible area so people can easily get to it with their toy donations. You may even want to have multiple drop-off points so you bring in more toys. It’s a good idea to attach your flyer to the bin you’re using so it’s very clear that it’s the drop-off point. Make sure the collection bin is in an area that’s easy to see. You don’t want to miss out on toy donations because people couldn’t find the drop-off point.
It’s also a good idea to go ahead and put a few toys in your drop-off bins. Sometimes people can be wary of an empty bin. People are more likely to donate toys at Diamonds and Donuts Annual Holiday Toy Drive. If they see others have already donated toys, so grab a couple donations to put in each of your drop-off bins to get things started.
Take it to the Web
While traditional toy collections offer a great way to begin the Diamonds and Donuts Annual Holiday Toy Drive, taking it to the web has helped us increase the number of donations. In fact, it’s becoming more popular to take drives online. You can use email to get in touch with friends and family members to tell them about the drive. Social media can be used to share the details of your toy drive. You can even share an address for people who don’t live nearby that want to send toys. It’s quick and easy to order toys online and have them shipped to your drop off point, and sharing the details of your toy drive online is a great way to reach more people quickly.
Have a “Toy” Party
This is the part where we got it alright. First of all, is your office throwing a holiday party this year? If so, make it a holiday “toy” party. Have everyone bring a toy as the “ticket” for getting into the holiday party. We set a price limit so people don’t feel like they have to spend a lot of money on the toy. It’s a fun way to get more people involved in the toy drive.
Working in social services, working to serve vulnerable kids and families is what you do, and the Diamonds and Donuts Annual Holiday Toy Drive is a wonderful way to spread some joy to families you know are having a tough time this year. With a little bit of time and these helpful tips, you can collect toys that will make a big impact on children who might not get anything else for the holiday this year. It’s a powerful way to show how much you care.
Excellent Toy Ideas for Diamonds and Donuts Annual Holiday Toy Drive
If you’d like to participate in the Diamonds and Donuts Annual Holiday Toy Drive, please consider donating a new toy or money between now and December 19th. Open to all makes and models. Complimentary 9am breakfast & noon BBQ. Full Bar inside & out. Exotics park on the east side of the lot, American on the South side, Imports on the north side, trucks on the front lawn & everyone else down federal hwy.! Here’s a list of appropriate gifts:
- Action figures (especially ones that make noise and move)
- Hand-held video games/computer tablets
- Puzzles
- Mp3 players
- Bean bag chairs
- Musical instruments/toys
- Play-doh
- Books with CDs
- LeapPad games
- Stuffed animals
- Legos
- Headphones
- Remote control toys/cars
- Rubber balls
- Art supplies
Last year Diamonds by Raymond Lee had so many people donate gifts. So, it took a couple of days to wrap everything! We are hoping to have an even bigger impact this year! Will you help us make the holidays bright for kids and adults in need?
Four Excellent Reasons to Participate in Diamonds and Donuts Annual Holiday Toy Drive
As we approach the season of giving this year, here are 4 reasons to give in some way this holiday season:
Giving helps someone else
First and foremost, whether it’s monetary donations or volunteering your time. Giving helps people in our communities. Donating a toy to children who need them allows a less fortunate child to experience the joy of Christmas. And volunteering at a food bank can help a family get the food they need. So that they can enjoy Thanksgiving with food on the table.
Makes you happier
When we give of our time or our resources at the Diamonds and Donuts Annual Holiday Toy Drive. We feel good and according to scientists, that is because we are hardwired to enjoy helping others. In a study published by the American Psychological Association, it was discovered that people who give to others are significantly happier than when they receive gifts. Other studies have confirmed this, stating that giving promotes social connection and trust and that it releases endorphins, activating the pleasure center of the brain.
Makes you healthier
Donating our time or resources to others is also a way to live a longer and healthier life. Research has shown that giving to charity promotes both physical and mental health. Specifically, blood pressure, body mass index, and LDL cholesterol were lower in volunteers than in non-volunteers. These benefits relate to lower risk of heart disease and strokes.
Helping others is contagious
Seeing others do good things inspires others to do the same. As a whole, we modify our behaviors and make decisions based on what we see around us. When we see someone else use their time or other resources to help others we are instilled with the notion that we should do the same. Biologically, we know that it will make us happier, and socially, we know that it will help others and bring us all closer together. One person leading the way spurs us on to make the world a happier place.